Q:  Which instruments are taught in orchestra?

A: Edison orchestra offers violin, viola, cello, and bass.

Q: Do we need to purchase an instrument for our student?

A: It is always helpful if the student has their own instrument, but the school has instruments available to students who need them, free of charge.  A form has to be filled out for each instrument being borrowed, and the student is responsible for taking good care of the instrument and transporting it to and from school.

Q: Where should we rent or buy an instrument from?

A: NOT FROM AMAZON OR EBAY! Check out the "Resources" page HERE 

Q: What are the student expectations?

A: The syllabus outlines the procedures and expectations of the students in detail. Generally speaking, weekly practice and professional behavior are expected.  Attendance to rehearsals and performances is mandatory as this is a performance based class.  

Q: What type of performance and contest opportunities are available? 

A: Edison orchestras have 6th - 12th grade combined performances in December and May of each year.  Additionally, Edison Orchestras compete at OSSAA large group and solo & ensemble contests (only the intermediate and advanced groups.)  There are many other performance opportunities that arise, including playing the Star Spangled Banner at the Tulsa Drillers games, for example.  The HP Rock Orchestra does many types of performances as well, such as the Cain's Ballroom and the TCC Performing Arts Center for Education. 

Q: Does the orchestra take trips?

A: YES! Middle school attends the Heartland Music Festival/Frontier City contest every Spring, and the high school takes overnight trips every year.  For the 2021/2022 school year, the Edison High School Band, Choir, and Orchestras went on a combined trip to Disneyworld in April 2022!  In March of 2023, the high school orchestra traveled to St. Louis, MO.  Edison Orchestra has gone to orchestra festivals in Nashville, Tennessee in 2019, and Chicago, Illinois in 2018.  In March of 2024, Edison band, orchestra, and choir will once again combine for an exciting trip to NYC!