Edison String Boosters

The mission of the Edison String Boosters, Inc. is to promote and encourage the students of the Edison Preparatory Orchestras (EPO). The organization lends support, both moral and financial, to the EPO, so that this public school orchestra can reach its goals for every school year. The members of the Edison String Boosters involve the community in supporting the orchestra, promote student leadership and responsibility, actively support all performances of the EPO, and supplement school board support of music activities. This includes raising funds for trips both in and out of State, which helps to encourage student cultural improvement through an appreciation of music.

If you would like to volunteer your time to the organization, please email edisonorchestras@gmail.com and you can learn more about the committees and ways to serve.

If you would like to make a donation, we are a subordinate organization of Parent Booster USA, so all donations are tax deductible.

If you would like to make a donation via check, it should be made payable to Edison String Boosters and can be delivered to

Edison Preparatory School

2906 E 41st Street

Tulsa, OK 74105

Your support is greatly appreciated!